But show affection for and, through his envoy, sent him back a shell box and gold hairpin with old things.


Breaking the gold of the hairpin, breaking the shell of the box, but kept one branch of the hairpin and one side of the box
"Our souls belong together," she said, "like this gold and this shell" Heaven and Man Will Meet.
Of vows which had been known only to their two hearts, and she sent him, by his messenger, a sentence reminding him
When on the seventh day of the Seventh-month, in the Palace of Long Life was whispering in the middle of the night
In the sky, I wish to be a bird in the sky, and I wish to be a branch in the earth.
Earth endures, heaven endures; some time both shall end’s hatred is endless.
See you in the Jianghu at the end of chapter 186.
"Hey, wake up, wake up. The foreman called you to move bricks." A schoolboy shouted, patting his shoulder.
"Ah?" He was opening his eyes and saw a ray of golden sunshine hitting his face, which made him squint slightly. It took him a long time to get used to the light and recognize that it was Wei Yan, his roommate who woke him up.
"Hey again all night code word? I’ll see what you write! "
Wei Yan put his head together in front of his brain and whispered, "The Condor Heroes"? Why is there a beginning? What about the text? !”
"No, nothing!" It is hurriedly stretched out his hand to cover the brain looked at one dormitory curious way "ah? What about Gao Gui? "
"Go to Yan Dou Hotel to take a seat! You also hurry to wash it. I’ll call other dormitory animals and go later. "
"ah? Where to go? "
"Old you sleep confused? Today is the day when our college of liberal arts has a farewell dinner. Bye-bye! " Wei Yan sighed that when he walked out of the dormitory, he "banged" a door.
"Oh …" He just scratched his head and left the table. He stretched himself and raised his hand to open the balcony curtains. Suddenly, he saw the golden sunshine pouring into the dormitory, which lit up a room with less than 4 square meters.
"It turned out to be a dream …" He was staring at the rows of teaching buildings in the distance and lost in thought.
Just last night, he had a strange dream. In the dream, he was full of heroic spirit. Guo Juxia started a strange heroic story from shooting sculptures in the desert. He had everything from cars to beautiful women to silver martial arts …
But what do you have left when you wake up except a Lenovo note?
His face is clean, but his pocket is cleaner than his face.
There is only one Chinese mobile phone left on the desk besides Band 4, major, degree, diploma and other messy certificates.
It is said that Chinese beauties are like clouds, but most of them are "Bai Fumei" in Yan Dou, and no one looks like a foreigner like himself.
"Maybe only in a dream. Real life is full of absurdities. Where can there be any heroes and adventures? !” Just as he shook his head and raised his hand to prepare his brain, he suddenly heard "Ding Ding" and there was an unread email in two Netease mailboxes.
"Oh, what is’ yes’ r’ no’? If there is, I promise to choose yes! "
He was walking past, sliding the mouse and clicking on the email, and suddenly he saw three red "!"pop up on the screen. symbol
He was looking at a sender who showed that it was from a stranger with a "goddess heart" and frowned and looked through it-
"ouch? Is it April 1 today? " He was reading two lines of mail and couldn’t help laughing for a long time before he calmed down and then "slammed" his brain.
"Fuck your brother-in-law. I don’t have time to talk nonsense with you!" It is picking up towels and toothbrushes and heading for hygiene.
"Bang" the dormitory door was suddenly kicked open, and then five or six men in black suits and dark glasses rushed in. The first one pointed to it and said, "Confirm the target action!"
"Feed what circumstance? You are-"before he finished his speech, he was fainted by a stick and fell to the ground …
"Hurry up!" The men in suits rushed in and dragged them out. The goalkeeper threw away a black commercial car parked in the dormitory and then "boom" and drove away …
After a while, it was left in the dormitory, and the mobile phone suddenly "buzzed" to see the screen showing "the embers of my schoolmate"
"If you can’t blow away the fog, you will lose your intention. Whoever walks softly, stops ~ and doesn’t cry, passes through the bullet and takes away the temperature …"
The cell phone bell rang again and again, which was particularly clear and loud in the swinging dormitory, but no one answered it all the time …
Finally, I heard "whisper" that the mobile phone was too low and the loud bell stopped completely …
There is a poetic cloud
Was on the throne for many years, searching, never finding, china’s Emperor, craving beauty that might shake an empire
Bred in an inner chamber, with no one knowing her, till a little child of the Yang clan, hardly even grown
At last one day was chosen for the imperial household, but with graces granted by heaven and not to be concealed
If she but turned her head and smiled, there were cast a hundred spells Liugong Daidai Color
Which warmed and smoothed the creamy-tinted crystal of her skin, it was early spring. They bathed her in the FlowerPure Pool
Shi Er helps Jiao Li when first the Emperor noticed her and chose her for his bride.
Were sheltered on spring evenings by warm hibiscus curtains, the cloud of her hair, petal of her cheek, gold ripples of her crown when she moved
And the Emperor, from that time forth, forsook his early hearings, but nights of spring were short and the sun arose too soon
Trying to entertain and entertain leisure his mistress of the spring, his despot of the night

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