"Fu, don’t worry, Shen Jia Er Gong has already done it. He can burn this fire as long as he wants."


Smell speech Fu Yunyi glanced at the warmth Gherardini way "yeah, I forgot that there is a great technical god at home, and I have cultivated my feelings of having lunch with him every day these days."
Warm and hurry down to eat.
Fu Yunyi snorted lightly and didn’t turn to Wu again. "Let people stare at the Wenting family more. Zhuo Mengyun is stupid enough to be afraid, but Wenting’s father still has some calculating means. Don’t let them do things again."
There’s a second watch today, huh? Are the girls all literate? I can’t even hear you.
☆, two more send crazy.
At the same time, a villa in the suburbs of Beijing is gloomy and depressed like a storm.
In the magnificent hall, Wen Ting’s indifference to the world is gone, and his eyes are staring at the brain posts, and his face is very ugly.
As gloomy as sitting on one side.
The attitude of the father and son makes ZhuoMengyun more on the verge of collapse. "What do you mean? Give me a hard time, will you? Can’t you understand such a clumsy frame-up Is it really true that online rumors are true? "
Wen Ting looked at her with cold eyes. "Now it’s not what we believe or not, but what others think of you, what I think of our family!"
Zhuo Mengyun got up early in the morning and didn’t even take care of her makeup. She had a messy curly hair face and a terrible face. She was more than a little old, but now she can’t bear to hear Wenting’s words. "What can you think of me?" I’m innocent. Even if I really want to raise a man, I can’t look down on those crooked melons and cracked dates. If anyone dares to talk nonsense again, I’ll tear his mouth off! "
Wenting hid his disgust in his heart and tried to calm down. "Do you know how many people are talking about this in Huadu? It takes more than two hours to click. Can you tear it up? And the important thing is not to block anyone’s mouth, but to rumor that the more you block those good people, the more intense it will be. "
Zhuo Mengyun was slightly distorted by his angry expression. "Did you ask someone to help me refute the rumor?"
WenTing haven’t warm mouth took the words to "mom, you sit down first and don’t yell at dad. Dad has already found someone to help clarify on the Internet. I also invited several brain experts to actively post …"
Before he finished ZhuoMengYun interrupted "but? What idiots are you two inviting? How long has it been? Not only have you not pressed this fire, but it is getting hotter and hotter, so that everyone can see my jokes! "
Wenting endured anger and sneered, "Yes, we have nothing to do and can’t help you settle it. What about you?" I’ve done such a thing myself, but there’s a way to end it? Don’t have to rely on us … "
Zhuo Mengyun fidgeted and waved his hand. "No, you and I can handle it. Isn’t it just some gossip? I’ll get a lawyer to sue my brother and ask him to come forward and order the department to ban those websites and tabloids. See who dares to talk nonsense again!"
WenTing closed their eyes "you your brother is so good? If he doesn’t avoid suspicion enough, he will rush? Besides, he’s upset about Wenya’s fake pregnancy and miscarriage a few days ago, and he still cares about you? "
"I don’t believe my brother won’t ignore me."
"Try it if you don’t believe me."
"Mom …" Wenrun wanted to stop my uncle from being confused at this time. It’s a stupid thing to doubt, and it will also provoke my uncle’s disgust.
But Zhuo Mengyun didn’t listen to anyone at all. He had already dialed out the words. He looked warm and anxious and wanted to get up and persuade Wen Ting to stop him. "Your mother should do her own thing. We can’t always end it for her. Now it’s not the first time. If we don’t care about her, it will make a bigger mess. It will be a real trouble then."
Now it’s just a matter of getting into trouble. If we can teach her a lesson, it’s lucky.
Warm and white "but dad and uncle are our backers …"
Isn’t it not worth the loss to have a long mother’s long memory and get a bad feeling from the backer?
WenTing sneer at a way "your uncle mess how can be our backer? Arun, remember that no one in this world will rely on his own backing. No one is reliable. Will you betray yourself? "
"It’s dad …"
"I know that you are in contact with the Meng family in the north city. It is worthwhile for the Meng family to achieve great things."
"I am white …"
Section 33
When two people talk low ZhuoMengYun has hysterically yelled in the words "elder brother you are my brother, how can you say no matter? I lose face, and you lose face? I don’t believe you can’t. You are the mayor of Huadu. You have the final say. People in those departments belong to you. It’s just a matter of words to let them block those networks and tabloids … "
At that end, Zhuo Yuanshan frowned and looked impatient. "Dream Cloud, you don’t even think about it. I really can’t do it. There is nothing wrong with them. Even if I am the mayor, I can’t abuse my job. Do you still think that I am not bored enough now?"
ZhuoMengYun dare not believe shout "you can’t do that? I think you just don’t want to care! Brother, I’m your own sister. Let’s both be proud and lose. What is this? Brother, are you reliable in the imperial capital Liu family? How can a wife’s family do her best with her sister? Elder brother, you must help me. Those two people in my family can’t count on you. You can’t care … "
Zhuoyuanshan has hung up.
Zhuo Mengyun stared at the mobile phone and tooted it for half a ring, then threw it out like crazy and slammed it on the marble floor. She was ferocious and had a knife in her face, and now there are sequelae. It’s really terrible if you don’t cover it up with makeup.
Wenting couldn’t see it anymore. He got up and said, "You calm down first, I’ll go out and find someone to think about other ways." Then he didn’t hesitate to leave without ignoring Zhuomengyun behind him and yelling.
"Wenting even you now also abandon me? I’m telling you, don’t forget how you settled in Huadu in the first place because of me. What are you without me? Can you make it today? How dare you show me your face? You roll back for me … "ZhuoMengyun hoarse, will go after Wenting.
Wen Run grabbed her hard. "Mom, calm down first!"