The name didn’t seem to have the expected effect. The two lions didn’t see any surprise or meaning in their faces. Respect silently took a side and shouted, "Your Majesty Simba!"


Simba’s anger is about to gush out. He must ask his father why he wants to humiliate himself again and again.
But when he entered the hall and saw someone sitting on the throne, all his anger vanished instantly, leaving him full of questions.
Sitting on the throne is a young lion who looks five points similar to Simba. It seems that it should not be as big as Simba. A slightly frivolous voice rang out in the hall. "Look who is this?" It turned out to be the king, my dearest brother Simba. "
Simba is full of doubts and has no mind to listen to his noise and directly interrupt "where is father?"
"Ha ha ha ha Simba elder brother, how can you be so rude? I’m the Regent now. You should use honorific words when you talk to me. I won’t pursue your first offense this time. Hahahaha. "
Simba interrupted him again, "Where is Liao Jia’s father?" Simba moved. I’m really angry. He has a bad feeling
"I don’t care about your father’s old man’s house in a big way. The other day, I felt that the road to strange peace was loose. That is to say, before the breakthrough was expected to be closed, I ordered the Regent to rule over the lion race. Is it white? Simba! Ah ~ ha ha ha ha ~ "
The news was so sudden that Simba was caught off guard by his father and his third son turned out to be the regent. Simba’s eyes scanned the hall and found that there were still several tiger clansmen.
Liao Jia kept staring at Simba and saw that Simba turned to several tiger people. At once, his introduction tone was full of excitement. "These are guests from the tiger family. Come and introduce me."
With that, Liao Jia came from the throne to make out. Among them, there was a young tiger "to meet a tiger family and two kings, Quilkin"
This is a typical eye with long nostrils. There is nothing wrong with the royal brothers. They always look at people through their nostrils. Quilkin leaned over and saluted. The etiquette can be provoked. Obviously, it has been strictly trained.
But is a Bi Meng who has studied human etiquette in this way still a Bi Meng? Simba muttered in his heart that his right fist knocked on his left chest and returned a gift. Simba is a knight of the temple. It is not rude to salute like this, but Simba still saw Quilkin’s serious contempt.
Anger broke out all the way, and finally Simba tried not to explode and found that the situation was not good and it was not the time to get angry.
Liao Jia clearly saw Simba’s anger that passed away seriously. He smiled and he definitely added a fire. "Don’t be so identified. You should be closer to Quilkin. It will be our brother-in-law."
"Brother-in-law! !” Simba almost yelled out "Brother-in-law who is he?" Father’s meaning? "
"Ha-ha! You see how happy my brother is!"
"Hum, of course, we should be happy that our king is a tiger clan patriarch’s successor, Princess Gloria, and it is a great blessing to marry Wang Dian." The voice came from behind Quilkin. The man’s forehead was faintly composed of black scales, and his eyes were very protruding. It was a gecko who looked strange.
Gecko people are very fragile. The only commendable thing is that they can grow without arms and broken legs. Besides, Gecko people have a flexible tongue. What they are best at is bragging and flattery.
This gecko is obviously a master of this skill, or he won’t live. Simba beside Quilkin doesn’t have time to pay attention to such people. He stares at Liao Jia and asks, "Do you know that Gloria is a princess and she is your sister?"
Liao Jia’s luck is dull. "I know that of course I have found such a good home for her!" " Liao Jia looked down at Simba and said, "Now I am the Regent!"
Simba was surprised to see that his brother never knew him.
Quilkin interrupted the conversation between the two brothers with a frown. "Please arrange the wedding and inform me as soon as possible." Then he left the hall with his hands full of dissatisfaction with the tiger family Wang Li Hall, except for Liao Yoga, the regent, who sent them to the door with a smile.
Chapter DiErWuSan Gloria in anger
It’s been a while since a group of people with shining gold coins stood outside the main hall. Hao Ren and Betty squatted and counted the bones of ant Rodriguez and set up a chair. Qiang Sen and Xiao Ao were dragged aside by their respective women to introduce each familiar place.
Just when everyone was impatient, the hall door was knocked out. It was to call them in as guards, not a few dignified and strong Bi Meng. Of course, this is Hao Ren’s impression
People with a little common sense in the mainland can tell apart from these tigers who are members of the Bi Meng tiger family. Judging from this posture, the status of these tigers is not low.
Hao Renlai smiled at Betty and muttered a few words, such as nostrils and eyes. King Betty walked into the tiger man and suddenly laughed while covering her mouth.
For Hao Ren, strangers can be divided into two categories, one is homicidal, and the other is not homicidal. Both homicidal bases are killed and not homicidal. In most cases, Hao Ren will choose to see.
Before the thorn came to him, he seduced several lions, and Rodriguez would not be interested in a young Bi Meng. Qiang Sen smirked and Leo continued to play cool. Among the people in the line, there were Gloria and Huahua who saw each other’s identity, but Gloria had the status of a beastmaster and it was not her turn to salute anyway, so this group of people looked at this group of noble tigers in a gorgeous way.
Back in Bi Meng, Gloria and Huahua don’t hide their orc characteristics. Gloria liger’s characteristics are very obvious, so it’s easy to tell. Quilkin stopped when the tiger team came to Gloria’s side.
Quilkin looked at Gloria. His eyes were reckless, just like picking goods. His eyes were picky and left the pie mouth. Quilkin muttered "Not bad" and walked away with his hand. It was so free and easy that there was no chance for Gloria to get mad. Anyway, this is also the center of the lion family. Gloria tried to control her anger, and her eyes were cold and flashing. Needless to say, she had to retaliate severely.